March 23, 2025
Thank you for joining us today. We're so glad you're here!
As a people on mission to bring hope and wholeness through Christ, we would love to help you take your next step no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.
Please click through the links below to learn more about who we are and ways you can get connected into our church family!
Today's Sermon:
"Blessed are the Peacemakers"
Teaching Pastor:
Ben Anderson
Scripture Reading:
Matthew 5:1-9 (NRSV)
Recovery Groups
Christ Church Youth
Christ Church Choir
On-Campus Life Groups
Celebrate Recovery

Join us for our Annual Business Meeting Lunch NEXT Sunday, March 30.
If you consider Christ Church your church home, this is a time to review what God did in our church family in 2024 and look forward to what God is doing in and through us in 2025.
You can vote on new Board Member Nominees, hear a financial review, and receive updates from our Leadership Team. Please make plans to join us for this important meeting! Lunch will be served, so please register through the link below.
We are excited to participate once again in The Big Give NEXT Sunday, March 30!
This is an annual drive for gently-used clothing, shoes, housewares, linens, toys, media, and books — anything that you would normally give to Goodwill or another thrift store.
Here's the best part: For every 10 pounds we donate as a church, we get $1 in gift cards to be used for our benevolence ministry from ThriftSmart!
All you have to do is place your items behind your car in the parking lot when you arrive on campus on Sunday morning, March 30, and the ThriftSmart team will collect the items before the service ends. It's that simple!
Have you signed up to receive our Daily Prayer Prompts?
During the season of Lent, we have an opportunity to embrace a season of Reflection, Repentance, and Re-direction of our lives. As we seek to follow Christ in His mission and ministry, prayer is a powerful invitation to help us align our hearts with His.
To help make prayer a regular part of your daily routine, we are offering daily prayer prompts during Lent. Text the keyword LENT to 615-205-1098, and we will send you a prompt each day with a specific prayer to focus on.
There's something amazing and powerful that happens in His Church as we unify our hearts and minds all across the city (and beyond!) in this intentional time of prayer each day. Again, please join us by texting LENT to 615-205-1098.
Get ready for a morning of Easter family fun with our church and community!
This year, we’re embracing the season with a Family Picnic—a morning of food, fun, and fellowship for all ages.
Enjoy delicious bites from food trucks or bring your own lunch! There will be some seating available, but we encourage everyone to bring lawn chairs and picnic blankets to relax and connect. We will have a small Easter egg hunt for the kids, plus face painting and balloon animals to add to the fun!
Mark your calendars and plan to join us from 10am-12pm on Saturday, April 12.
Join us for our Holy Week Services!
Holy Week is a period of eight days during which we remember the ancient plans and promises of God which are so mysteriously, mercifully, and mightily revealed and fulfilled in and through Jesus Christ.
Beginning on Palm Sunday, we remember Jesus’ prophetic entry into Jerusalem followed by the powerful events of the final week of His life culminating in His passion, crucifixion, and glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday.
We invite you to mark your calendars and join us for our Holy Week Services as we worship, pray, read Scripture, and come to better love and know Christ for who He is.
Our next opportunity for Water Baptisms will be Easter Sunday, April 20!
The New Testament teaches that baptism is the way a believer publicly declares his or her faith in Jesus Christ. When we make our decision to turn away from our old life of sin—a decision that Christians call repentance—we submit ourselves for baptism. When we do this in faith, God meets us in the water to make a profound change in us. We rise from the water to “walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).
If God may be leading you to consider water baptism, please register at this link and a member of our pastoral team will reach out to share more information!
Child Dedications will be Sunday, April 27
It is an honor and gift to walk alongside our young families as they raise their precious children in the light and love of Christ! If you would like to dedicate your child on Sunday, April 27th, please let us know by registering below. Our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible to communicate details!

Our mission is simple: to bring hope and wholeness through Christ. Invite someone you know to join what God is doing in and through Christ Church Nashville!
Who around you needs the hope and wholeness only Christ can bring? Or, who around you may know Christ but need a church family to walk alongside them through all the twists and turns of life?
Who will you invite?
Do you know how the Holy Spirit has gifted you to help motivate and minister to those around you?
Christianity is not a spectator sport. Christians are not called to watch, but to participate in Jesus’ way of life. Every follower of Christ is meant to be equipped, edified, and empowered with a spiritual gift needed by the rest of us.

Have more questions?
Our team would love to help! Meet us at the Connect areas outside of the Sanctuary or contact us this week:
CALL - 615-834-6171
TEXT - 615-205-1098