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February 23, 2025

Thank you for joining us today. We're so glad you're here!

As a people on mission to bring hope and wholeness through Christ, we would love to help you take your next step no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.

Please click through the links below to learn more about today's service, who we are, what we have going on, and how you can get connected into our church family!

Today's Sermon:

"The Beatitudes and the Road to Recovery"


Matthew Phillips, Director of Care & Recovery

Sermon Text:
Matthew 5:1-12 (NLT)



Tuesday, February 25


Recovery Groups

Wednesday, February 26


Youth (6th-12th grades)

Wednesday, February 26


Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday, February 26


On-Campus Life Groups

Friday, February 28


Celebrate Recovery


Are you a current Kids Ministry leader or want to learn more about serving in Kids Ministry? This training is for you!

Join Kids Directors Katie and Taylor TODAY after the service for a free lunch in Montelle Hardwick Hall (3rd Floor Atrium) followed by a time of teaching and training. This is a chance to express our gratitude for how you love and serve our church family while providing clarity and best practices for the year ahead. During the meeting portion, there will be childcare available in Room 203.

Join us for our Ash Wednesday Service!

Ash Wednesday, a holy day observed by Christians for centuries, marks the beginning of our Lenten journey toward the cross of Good Friday and the empty tomb of Easter, inviting us into a season of repentance, reflection, and transformation as we seek to remove distractions, embrace spiritual disciplines, and become more like Christ.

Join our campus partner, Barefoot Republic, for a FREE breakfast on Thursday, March 6!

Barefoot Republic's mission is to facilitate Christ-centered relationships between individuals from diverse racial, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds through an equally diverse platform of artistic, athletic and team-building programs.

Come enjoy delicious food, hear uplifting stories, and learn about what God is doing in and through Barefoot Republic. RSVP through the link below.

New Life Group Leaders Needed!

Our Life Groups help our Christ Church family connect in real relationships, real community, and grow in true discipleship beyond what happens in the building on a Sunday morning. A Life Group is made up of 10-12 people (5-6 families) who meet together regularly in homes to study the Bible, pray, enjoy fellowship and care for one another.

As our church family continues to grow, we need more leaders to host and lead these groups! If you would like to learn more about being a Life Group Leader, please share your information with us below and we will reach out to you soon!

It's not too late to join our Spring Recovery Groups!

These groups provide a safe space for anyone facing challenges—addiction, substance abuse, divorce, loss, life changes, or mental health challenges. Each group offers support, understanding, and practical tools for hope and healing. You don't have to walk alone! Click below for more information and to register.

Do you know how the Holy Spirit has gifted you to help motivate and minister to those around you?

Christianity is not a spectator sport. Christians are not called to watch, but to participate in Jesus’ way of life. Every follower of Christ is meant to be equipped, edified, and empowered with a spiritual gift needed by the rest of us.

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Our mission is simple: to bring hope and wholeness through Christ. Invite someone you know to join what God is doing in and through Christ Church Nashville!

Who around you needs the hope and wholeness only Christ can bring? Or, who around you may know Christ but need a church family to walk alongside them through all the twists and turns of life?

Our new “I’m Inviting You” cards—available at multiple stations around campus—make it easy to share that hope and invite others to be part of our church family. Whether it’s a friend, family member, coworker, or even a stranger—pray about who God is calling you to invite. Take a card (or a few!) this Sunday and extend the invitation. A simple act of faith could lead someone to experience the fullness of life in Him. Who will you invite?

Have more questions?

Our team would love to help! Meet us at the Connect areas outside of the Sanctuary or contact us this week:

CALL - 615-834-6171

TEXT - 615-205-1098


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