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Welcome to christ church nashville

We are a people on mission to bring hope and wholeness through Christ.


Our mission partner and dear friends at Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth & Families in Black Mountain, NC have been significantly impacted by Tropical Storm Helene with major damage to their facilities. We praise God no one has been hurt and everyone on the campus is safe! However, they are in urgent need of prayer, financial support, and essential items. Please prayerfully consider how you might support Black Mountain Home through the link below.

Our Core Values

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As our first core value, the Word of God is our primary source in learning to better know God, one another, and ourselves.


As our first core value, the Word of God is our primary source in learning to better know God, one another, and ourselves. Through the written Word – the Bible – we learn God’s identity, nature, and will for His Creation and Kingdom. Through the incarnate Word – embodied in the life, teaching, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus of Nazareth – we experience the fullest revelation of God and our humanity in Christ. In giving us His Word, both written and incarnate, God has made a way for human beings to encounter His presence, rightly know God and ourselves, receive life-giving instruction and direction, and experience transformation in the light of His truth and in the power of His Spirit. (John 1:1-18; Hebrews 4:12-16; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Psalm 119:105; Romans 12:2)


As we experience the greatness of who God is and learn the truth of what God has done for us, we respond with worship.


As we experience the greatness of who God is and learn the truth of what God has done for us, we respond with worship. Worship may involve singing and sacrament, proclamation, and prayer, gathering and giving, and even awed silence and solitude. But in essence, worship is more than these things. To worship God as He desires, “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24), is to offer the fullness of our everyday lives humbly and honestly to God as “living and holy sacrifices.” This is our “true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1). If we value worship as God does, we will seek to become more aware of and humbly responsive to His presence every day. As true worshipers, we submit ourselves to the transformation only the Holy Spirit can work within and through us, not only when we gather as a congregation, but also in the real-life circumstances, situations, and relationships in which we engage and serve each day. (Psalms 18, 95, 100, 117, 145, 147; Colossians 3:12-17)


In prayer, we are invited to commune and communicate with our Creator.


In prayer, we are invited to commune and communicate with our Creator. Like the Psalmists before us, we are privileged to share every need, concern, and grievance; to confess our sin and express our adoration; to give thanks and intercede on behalf of others. Yet prayer is also meant to be a conversation. As we listen in prayer, especially in light of His Word, God ministers to our hearts and molds our will after His own. As followers of Christ, we learn to pray with a perspective in alignment with the heart and Kingdom of God. As children of our Heavenly Father, we pray with hopeful persistence, knowing God hears us and is faithful and trustworthy in all things. (Matthew 6:5-13; Romans 12:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; 1 John 5:14-15)


The Word teaches us God has not intended for us to live this life alone (Genesis 2:18).


The Word teaches us God has not intended for us to live this life alone (Genesis 2:18). We value Christian community as disciples of Jesus committed to sharing life together as we grow together in Christ. As many parts of the Body of Christ, we all need and belong to one another (Romans 12:4-5). Through all this life may bring, we gather around one another to “rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15). In Christian community, we are invited to better know and be known by one another as we grow in the shared lifelong journey of discipleship. As we seek to serve and love one another as Christ has first done for us, we grow in the relational knowledge and experience of God in Christ. And in community built on such love, centered in Christ, and surrendered to the Holy Spirit, God promises to be made known to us and through us to those around us (John 13:34-35; 17:17-26)


By the gracious will of our Creator, we cannot receive the fullness of Christian community without embracing God-given diversity.


By the gracious will of our Creator, we cannot receive the fullness of Christian community without embracing God-given diversity. By God’s own design, all of Creation flourishes in diversity. As the Church, we value diversity for the same life-giving reason. We flourish when we experience unity in diversity as made possible by the Holy Spirit. Only God can weave together the diverse strands of spiritual gifts, life experiences, family histories, stages of life, and ethnic heritages which form the beautiful tapestry that is the Church, held together by Christ. Like many parts of one Body, we each have our own unique role only we can play if the whole is to flourish in unity. (Romans 12:4-8; 1 Corinthians 12; Colossians 1:16-17; Revelation 7:9-10)


Generosity is essential to the heart and nature of God.


Generosity is essential to the heart and nature of God. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” (John 3:16). By His self-giving sacrifice, we have been reconciled to God. By His generous Spirit, we have been made in the image of God and born again to grow in the likeness of Christ. Therefore, we seek to value and practice generosity in every aspect of our lives in grateful response to the One who has given us all we need for life and salvation in Him (2 Peter 1:3). With thanksgiving, we generously give of our love, time, service, compassion, wisdom, talents, material goods, and monetary resources. When we know all we are and all we have comes from and belongs to the Lord, we are liberated to live in the overflowing abundance of His generous Spirit, not only for ourselves, but for those around us (Proverbs 11:25; Luke 6:38; John 4:14; 2 Corinthians 9:7-8; James 1:5; 1 John 3:17)

Take your First Step

Join us in-person

Worship with us in the sanctuary on Sundays at 10:30am.

Join us online

Worship with our church family wherever you are.

Connect with us

Our team would love to meet you and answer any questions you have about Jesus or our church!

Get Baptized

Have you decided to follow Jesus? We'd love to talk with you about water baptism!

Join a Life Group

Life Groups are groups of 10-12 individuals (or 5-6 couples) committed to growing together in the Word and in Christ-centered community.

Join a Next Steps Lunch

This is a quarterly lunch after a Sunday morning service to learn more about who we are and what we believe!

What’s Happening in the Life of the Church

View all of our upcoming events here.

Every Wednesday Night


Christ Church Youth

Every Friday Night


Celebrate Recovery

Saturday, October 26



Introducing Stories of Hope

Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing Stories of Hope from several members of our Christ Church community who can bear witness to the goodness of God and what it means to have hope and wholeness that only Christ can offer – despite life's uncertainties, challenges, grief, and trials.

“It has always been and will always be the work of the Holy Spirit on the human heart that brings lasting change.”

Ben Anderson
Lead Pastor

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