A wise person once said an attitude of gratitude may not change the world, but it can sure change us and the way we live in the world. As God would have it, the more we practice being grateful, the less we find ourselves prone to anxiety, bitterness, and fear. Thankfully, all it takes to develop an attitude of gratitude is a willingness to put these words of the psalmist into daily practice: “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done”(Psalm 9:1).
For the next 30 days, we invite you to join us on a journey together as a church family as we intentionally give thanks for “all the marvelous things” God has done and given. We will begin by thanking God for how He provides for our most basic creaturely needs, so easily taken for granted.
We will spend time thanking the Lord for our community comprised of all the people and relationships so vital in our lives. We will practice gratitude for the gift of the Church, and how God graciously reveals Himself to and through His people. Most of all, we will offer thanks for the wondrous gift of the Giver Himself; the One who is our Creator, Source, Savior, and Shepherd.
Over these next 30 Days of Thanks, pay attention to what the Lord stirs and touches within you. Something happens to us and through us as we develop the practice of being thankful. Over time, our hearts and lives will be changed. And that is how God changes the world.
Thanks be to God!
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