We believe in Jesus Christ.
The Nicene Creed says that Jesus was “begotten not created.” The church fathers included this statement to combat an ancient heresy called Arianism that, like other heresies, tends to resurface periodically throughout Christian history. Arianism describes Jesus as a created being—as the greatest created being, to be sure, but creature nonetheless. Within the system of Arianism, Jesus is a “little god.” The church fathers said Scripture did not allow for that interpretation, that Jesus was “very God of very God.”
The Nicene Creed also says that Jesus was truly man— He not only appeared to be a man, but He actually became a man. As the Apostle Paul wrote, the Son took upon Himself the “form of a servant” (Philippians 2:7). Furthermore, the apostles taught that Jesus remained a man even after His resurrection, and it is as exalted man that Jesus is our “high priest that ever intercedes for us” (Hebrews 7:25).
It was as a man that Jesus is called the son of David, the last Adam, and the perfect sacrifice. It was as a man that Jesus fulfilled all the demands of the Law. It was as a man that Jesus was “tempted in all things and yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15).
Jesus had flesh like ours and indeed still does. When Jesus ascended into heaven, he ascended as a glorified, perfected human being. That is what makes Christ “the first fruits of them who sleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20). If He arose, we can be confident that we too will rise because He is one of us.
Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. She conceived when the Holy Spirit overshadowed her (Luke 1:35). Although God called Joseph to play a vital part in the redemption story, he was not our Lord’s biological father.
The Father of Jesus was the Lord God of hosts.
After living a life that satisfied the demands of the Law in every respect, the Lord was put to death according to the preconceived plan of God. Having no sins of His own for which to die, He offered His sinless blood to redeem sinful man, “trampling down death by death.” This meant that His death and suffering were vicarious, or “in the place of,” the sins of others.
Then, on the third day, Jesus arose from the dead, bodily. The same Jesus the disciples had buried three days before arose to walk and talk with His friends.
By His death Jesus justified those who believe in Him, and by His resurrection, He put death to death. In His ascension, a glorified Man became part of the divine Godhead.
Thus, we worship a risen and glorified Christ. He is no longer a baby in a manger or a dying man on a cross. As the Apostle Paul said, “We do not know Him anymore after the flesh” (2 Corinthians 5:16). In His life and death, Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophesy, “The Lord said unto my Lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool” (Psalm 110:1).
Jesus now rules the Kingdom of God, which exists “in the midst of His enemies” (Psalm 110:2) until the day all things are put under His feet.